Accept or Reject leave

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Once technician applied for leave, a leave will reflect in field manager dashboard under a staff leave list. With that manager will get an eye over all technician leave and can take necessary steps. From the below step-by-step procedure field service managers and business owners can approve or reject service technician leaves.

Accept or Reject leave

Step 1: Navigate to the staff page through the menu to manage staff leave 

Step 2: Select leave under the staff drop-down menu

Step 2: Filter leave type using ‘All’, ‘Pending’, ‘Approved’ and ‘Rejected’

Step 3: Under action select view icon to check details of leave namely technician name, phone number, start date, end date, leave type and reason

Step 4: Review all information and select approve or reject under action.

The leave status will be updated in the field staff mobile app

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