With an intuitive interface field technician can navigate through easy field service mobile app with secure login authentication, From there, the app provides a detailed exploration of assigned tasks such as expenses list, and parts list. The app further facilitates the initiation of tasks and provides a user-friendly interface for adding and managing expenses. From entering expenditure details to uploading receipts, technicians can meticulously record and update expense-related information. Concluding the task is equally straightforward – a simple selection of “Complete Task’ marks the successful conclusion of the service. Also, technicians can approach clients through mobile if they encounter any difficulty in finding a location.
Step 1 – Login to Easy Field service mobile app with a registered mobile number and password
Step 2 – Navigate to in progress tab at the top of home page
Step 3 – Select client name to view the details of a tasks
Step 4 – At top of a page filter tasks details using Task status, Expenses list, Parts list
Task status – Check name of a task, client and location of task to be performed
Expenses List – Check various expenses allotted to accomplish a task
Parts List – Check various parts required to fullfil a task
Step 5 – Once cleared select start task
Step 6 – Select pencil icon under expenses list to add relevant expenses
Step 7 – Enter a amount spend on each expenses, the total expenses will be displayed at top of edit expenses page
Step 8 – Enter various parts details that required to fullfill a task
Step 9 – Upload an expenses receipt under expenses images and click update
Step 9 – Select complete to finish a task
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